2024 CTBF

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Event 3: Venice, Vivaldi and the Ospedale della Pietà

South African Sendinggestigmuseum 40 Long Street, Cape Town

The Ospedale della Pietà was an orphanage-convent in Venice that was one of four so-called “Ospedali Grandi” (charitable hospices, which provided a wide range of services for the needy of Venice). In these institutions, music played an important part in the education of the inhabitants (all girls in the case of the Ospedale della Pietà). By the 18th century, [...]

R100 – R250

Event 2: Les Arts Florissants

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church De Waterkant

Lutesong Consort presents a concert performance of the French allegorical mini-opera Les arts florissants by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643–1704). In this hòmage to Louis XIV (self-styled arts patron, warlord and ultimate monarch), 'the arts' are the characters: 'La Musique' (Music), 'La Poèsie' (Poetry), 'La Peinture' (Painting) and 'L'Architecture' (Architecture) resolve a dispute between 'La Paix' (Peace) and 'La Discord' [...]

R100 – R250

Event 1: Variations

UCT Irma Stern Museum 21 Cecil Road, Rosebank

A popular genre during the baroque period was so-called ‘sets of variations’ or ‘divisions’: Composers often composed variations and embellishments on songs, folk melodies or hymns. Members of the Cape Town Baroque Orchestra, Ralitza Macheva (baroque violin), Erik Dippenaar (harpsichord) and Lynelle Kenned (soprano) present a programme of expressive sets of variations from the baroque, [...]

R100 – R250