Camerata Tinta Barocca presents a concert of baroque music to celebrate the launch of the 2019 Cape Town Baroque Festival programme. This 60-minute concert programme will offer you a taste of what to expect at this year’s festival, and brings together long-time festival musicians Lynelle Kenned and Elsabé Richter (sopranos), Annien Shaw and Refiloe Olifant […]
As part of Camerata Tinta Barocca's annual education programme we present the Schools' Baroque Festival with music learners and the choir of DFM High School and members of CTB. Music by Telemann, Monteverdi, Handel, Veracini, Vivaldi, Bach, Blavet and Galuppi. Date: 20 July 2019 Time: 19:00 Venue: D.F. Malan High School - School Hall Tickets: R80 (adults), R30 […]