Big Bach Bonanza! – Celebrating the diverse output of J.S. Bach
Evangelical Lutheran Church 98 Strand streetThis concert will feature music by one of the giants of the baroque period, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750). The programme will include a variety of compositional genres that Bach utilised and will highlight the diversity of styles and affects within his oeuvre. With: Erik Bosgraaf (recorder), Erik Dippenaar (organ, harpsichord), Lynelle Kenned (soprano), Raphael Pouget (natural [...]
Recorder master classes with Erik Bosgraaf
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church De WaterkantInternational recorder player, Erik Bosgraaf, presents master classes to learners of the Ronnie Samaai Music Education Project. Date: Saturday, 21 September 2019 Time: 10:00-13:00 Venue: St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, De Waterkant Tickets: Free entrance. Enquiries: This event forms a part of the 2019 Cape Town Baroque Festival. For more information on the festival, click here.
Chamber Baroque
Baxter Concert Hall Baxter Concert Hall, RondeboschIn the second collaboration between the CTBF and the Cape Town Concert Series, members of Camerata Tinta Barocca, along with international early music specialists Erik Bosgraaf (recorder) and Raphael Pouget (natural trumpet), present a programme of chamber music from the 18th century. Pre-concert talk presented by Anna Stoddard, starting at 18:30. With: Soloists: Erik Bosgraaf (recorder), [...]
Musica Rustica
6 Spin Street Restaurant 6 Spin streetLutesong Duo and guests present a programme of light vocal music from Renaissance Italy. The music originates mostly from Naples and will be paired with Neapolitan-inspired canapés. Wine for sale. With: Lente Louw, Elsabé Richter, Willem Bester, Keaton Manwaring (voices), Uwe Grosser, Vera Vukovic (theorbo, lute, baroque guitar), Kathryn Derksen (viola da gamba) and Ronan [...]
Demonstration of the City Hall carillon by Alexios Vicatos
Cape Town City Hall Cape Town City Hall, Darling streetCarillonneur Alexios Vicatos present a talk on the history of the City Hall carillon in the City Hall Tower, followed by a short demonstration. A great opportunity for music enthusiasts to view, hear and learn more about this very unique historical instrument. Date: Monday, 23 September 2019 Time: 18:00-19:00 Venue: Cape Town City Hall, Darling Street Tickets: [...]
Recorder workshop with Erik Bosgraaf
Rustenburg Girls' Junior School Rustenburg Girls' Junior School, RondeboschInternational recorder player Erik Bosgraaf presents a lecture and master classes to young, talented and upcoming South African recorder players in collaboration with Rustenburg Girls’ Junior School, Jenny Seager (Trinity College, London) and Karin Maritz (Department of Music, Stellenbosch University). Date: Tuesday, 24 September 2019 Time: 09:00-13:00 Venue: Rustenburg Girls' Junior School, Rondebosch Tickets: R50 (for observers, [...]
The Misshapen Pearls – A Baroque Story
Bowmans' Cape Town Office 22 Bree StreetCamerata Tinta Barocca, in collaboration with Friends of Orchestral Music and Bowmans, present The Misshapen Pearls, a concert exploring the true spirit of the Baroque. The term ‘barocco’, originally used by 17th century jewellers to describe a misshapen pearl, was used from the mid-eighteenth century, when a simpler style of music became popular, to refer [...]
Kunstgeiger und Bierfiedler (Art violinists and Beer fiddlers) – a duo recital with Antoinette Lohmann (baroque violin, clog violin) and Jörn Boysen (harpsichord, baroque guitar, zither, jewish harp)
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church De WaterkantAs a part of the Camerata Tinta Barocca concert series, international baroque musicians Antoinette Lohmann (baroque violin, clog violin), and Jörn Boysen (harpsichord, baroque guitar, zither, jewish harp) present a duo recital of solo violin literature from the seventeenth century for baroque violin and Dutch clog violin, juxtaposing folk and art music from the early [...]
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church De WaterkantThe 'Istituto Italiano di Cultura’ in collaboration with Camerata Tinta Barocca present Italian ensemble I Bassifondi. A brainchild of Simone Vallerotonda, I Bassifondi is a period ensemble performing music for lute, archlute, theorbo and baroque guitar with continuo. Most 17th-18th-century music for lute, guitar, theorbo and archlute was devised and written down to be played [...]
Erin Hall 8 Erin Road, Rondeboch, Cape Town, Western Cape, South AfricaFor the first concert of 2020, Camerata Tinta Barocca presents a programme of chamber music from the Baroque in the intimate space of Rondebosch’s Erin Hall. This concert features baroque violinist Bettina von Dombois from Germany, alongside regular CTB players Ralitza Macheva and Refiloe Olifant (baroque violins), Joshua Frank (recorder) and Erik Dippenaar (harpsichord/director). Music [...]